D.C. Pedestrian Advisory Council Remote Meeting
Monday, Apr. 25, 2022, 6:30 p.m.
Remote Login Instructions
- Click to join the online meeting: https://dcnet.webex.com/dcnet/j.php?MTID=m8a761506d726e15345de952da0c558cd
- To listen by telephone, call (202) 860-2110 or (650) 479-3208
- Meeting number: 2306 866 1137
- Password: HbmMeBQv344
- Help: http://help.webex.com
- Introductions and approval of draft agenda
- New Business
- Kelly Jeong Olson, DDOT Community Engagement Team Manager
- Chuck Elkins, ANC 3D Transportation Committee
- Agency reports
- Old business
- Electric vehicle cord regulation
- New Business (continued)
- Open Streets (May 21st, MLK Jr Blvd in Ward 8; June 2nd, 7th St in Wards 2 & 6)
- Administrative topics and next meeting
- PAC transition
- Legislative and regulatory tracking
- Program/administrative assistant recruitment
- Approval of March minutes
- Treasurer’s Report
- Next meeting: May 23rd
- Public comment