D.C.'s Official Pedestrian Advisory Body

Appointed by the D.C. Council to advise the Mayor, the D.C. Council, DDOT and other agencies.

Next Meeting: March 24th, 2025

Hear from city officials, help us develop policy recommendations, and learn about our work to upgrade the city's streetscape.

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Click here if you would like to share your story on our blog.

Safe Streets are Everyone's Responsibility

Step up! Learn more about your rights and responsbilities here.

Need Sidewalk Repair?

DDOT aims to resolve sidewalk repair requests within 25 business days. Contact them here.

PAC December 2019 Meeting

The December PAC meeting is coming up on Monday. Here is the agenda.

D.C. Pedestrian Advisory Council Meeting
Monday, Dec. 16, 2019
6:30 p.m.
441 4th St NW, Room 1117

1. Introductions

2. Public comments

3. MPD report

4. DDOT report

5. Discussion and vote to co-sign Bicycle Advisory Council letter recommending release of the D.C. Trauma Registry report

6. Report on distracted driving

7. Discussion and vote on advisory statement about DDOT budget

8. Administrative topics
• 2020 meeting dates
• January election of PAC co-chair or vice chair
• Treasurer’s report
• Approval of October and November minutes

9. Adjournment


PAC meetings are open to the public. ID is required to enter the building. Once through security, take elevators on the right-hand side to the 11th floor.

PAC November 2019 Meeting

The November PAC meeting is coming up on Monday. Here is the agenda.

D.C. Pedestrian Advisory Council Meeting
Monday, Nov. 18, 2019
6:30 p.m.
441 4th St NW, Room 1117

1. Introductions

2. Public comments

3. MPD report

4. DDOT report

5. Discussion and vote to co-sign Bicycle Advisory Council letter recommending release of the D.C. Trauma Registry report

6. Report on distracted driving

7. Reports on legislation and hearings
• Electric Mobility Devices Amendment Act of 2019
• Vision Zero Enhancement Omnibus Amendment Act of 2019
• Safe Passage to School Expansion Act of 2019
• Other legislation

8. Election of PAC co-chair or vice chair

9. Discussion of 2020 meeting dates

10. Treasurer’s report

11. Approval of October minutes

12. Adjournment


PAC meetings are open to the public. ID is required to enter the building. Once through security, take elevators on the right-hand side to the 11th floor.

PAC October Meeting: Joint Meeting with BAC

The PAC is holding a joint meeting with the Bicycle Advisory Council.

Joint Meeting of D.C. Bicycle Advisory Council and Pedestrian Advisory Council
Monday, October 28, 2019, 6 p.m.
441 4th St NW, Room 1107

1. Welcome and Introductions
Rachel Maisler, Bicycle Advisory Council Chair, and Eileen McCarthy, Pedestrian Advisory Council Co-Chair

2. Discussion with DDOT Director Jeff Marootian
• Director’s opening statement
• Responses to written questions
• Questions from BAC and PAC members
• Public comment and questions

3. Discussion with MPD representative

4. BAC closing remarks and adjournment

5. PAC discussion and vote on the Ignition Interlock Program Amendment Act of 2019 (B23-412)

6. PAC approval of September minutes

7. PAC adjournment


PAC/BAC meetings are open to the public. ID is required to enter the building. Once through security, take elevators on the right-hand side to the 11th floor.

PAC September 2019 Meeting

The September PAC meeting is coming up on Monday. Here is the agenda.

D.C. Pedestrian Advisory Council Meeting
Monday, Sept. 23, 2019
6:30 p.m.
441 4th St NW, Room 1117

1. Introductions

2. Public comments

3. DDOT report
• Sidewalk maintenance procedure
• Other updates

4. MPD report

5. Discussion of pending legislation and PAC position 
Vision Zero Enhancement Omnibus Amendment Act of 2019
Motor Vehicle Insurance Modernization Amendment Act of 2019
• Other legislation

6. Open Streets event on October 5

7. Treasurer’s report

8. Approval of July minutes

9. Adjournment


PAC meetings are open to the public. ID is required to enter the building. Once through security, take elevators on the right-hand side to the 11th floor.

PAC July 2019 Meeting

The July PAC meeting is coming up on Monday. Here is the agenda.

D.C. Pedestrian Advisory Council Meeting
Monday, July 22, 2019
6:30 p.m.
441 4th St NW, Room 1117

1. Introductions

2. Public comments

3. MPD report

4. DDOT report

5. Discussion of pending legislation and PAC position 
• Electric Mobility Devices Amendment Act of 2019 (B23-0359)
Vision Zero legislation
• Other legislation 

6. Treasurer’s report

7. Approval of June minutes

8. Adjournment


PAC meetings are open to the public. ID is required to enter the building. Once through security, take elevators on the right-hand side to the 11th floor.

PAC June 2019 Meeting

The June PAC meeting is coming up on Monday. Here is the agenda.

D.C. Pedestrian Advisory Council Meeting
Monday, June 24, 2019
6:30 p.m.
441 4th St NW, Room 1117

1. Introductions

2. Public comments

3. MPD report

4. DDOT report

5. Discussion and vote on autonomous vehicle policies 
• Autonomous Vehicle Amendment Act of 2019 (B23-0248)
• Autonomous Vehicles Testing Program Amendment Act of 2019 (B23-0232)

6. Discussion and vote on Transportation Benefits Equity Amendment Act of 2019 (B23-0148)

7. Vision Zero discussion
• Update on status of Vision Zero bills
• Introduction to “safe systems” approach

8. Treasurer’s report

9. Approval of May minutes

10. Adjournment


PAC meetings are open to the public. ID is required to enter the building. Once through security, take elevators on the right-hand side to the 11th floor.

PAC May 2019 Meeting

The May PAC meeting is coming up on Monday. Here is the agenda.

D.C. Pedestrian Advisory Council Meeting
Monday, May 20, 2019
6:30 p.m.
441 4th St NW, Room 1117

1. Introductions

2. Public comments

3. MPD report

4. DDOT report

5. Vision Zero discussion
• Report from DDOT Vision Zero Office
• Discussion and possible vote of PAC position on the Vision Zero Enhancement
Omnibus Amendment Act of 2019
• Discussion and possible vote of PAC position on the Curb Extensions Act of 2019 and
other related legislation

6. Treasurer’s report

7. Approval of April minutes

8. Adjournment


PAC meetings are open to the public. ID is required to enter the building. Once through security, take elevators on the right-hand side to the 11th floor.

PAC April 2019 Meeting

The April PAC meeting is coming up on Monday. Here is the agenda.

D.C. Pedestrian Advisory Council Meeting
Monday, April 22, 2019
6:30 p.m.
441 4th St NW, Room 1117

1. Introductions

2. Public comment

3. Guest speaker: personal injury attorney Daniel Singer

4. MPD report

5. DDOT report

6. Discussion and possible vote to provide PAC comment on the Health Impact Assessment Program Establishment Act of 2019

7. Report on Interagency Working Group on Autonomous Vehicles

8. Discussion of DDOT high-crash intersection visits

9. Discussion of Major Crash Review Task Force report

10. Reports on PAC testimony at budget hearings
MPD hearing
• DDOT hearing
• EMS/Fire Dept. hearing

11. Discussion of issues raised during PAC performance oversight hearing

12. Treasurer’s report

13. Approval of March minutes

14. Adjournment


PAC meetings are open to the public. ID is required to enter the building. Once through security, take elevators on the right-hand side to the 11th floor.

PAC March 2019 Meeting

The March PAC meeting is coming up on Monday. Here is the agenda.

D.C. Pedestrian Advisory Council Meeting
Monday, March 25, 2019
6:30 p.m.
441 4th St NW, Room 1117

1. Introductions

2. Public comment

3. MPD report

4. DDOT report

5. Vision Zero discussion

6. Discussion of issues raised during performance oversight hearing

7. Discussion of possible PAC testimony at budget oversight hearings
• Automated traffic enforcement testimony
• EMS/fire truck acquisition testimony
• Sidewalk repair testimony
• Other testimony

8. Treasurer’s report

9. Approval of February minutes

10. Adjournment


PAC meetings are open to the public. ID is required to enter the building. Once through security, take elevators on the right-hand side to the 11th floor.

PAC February 2019 Meeting

The February PAC meeting is coming up on Monday. Here is the agenda.

D.C. Pedestrian Advisory Council Meeting
Monday, February 25, 2019
6:30 p.m.
441 4th St NW, Room 1117

1. Introductions

2. Public comment

3. MPD report

4. DDOT report

5. Report on PAC performance oversight hearing

6. Discussion of possible PAC testimony at budget oversight hearings

7. Report on Major Crash Review Task Force

8. Treasurer’s report

9. Approval of January minutes

10. Adjournment


PAC meetings are open to the public. ID is required to enter the building. Once through security, take elevators on the right-hand side to the 11th floor.

PAC January 2019 Meeting

The January PAC meeting is coming up on Monday. Here is the agenda.

D.C. Pedestrian Advisory Council Meeting
Monday, January 28, 2019
6:30 p.m.
441 4th St NW, Room 1117

1. Introductions

2. Public comment

3. MPD report

4. District budget process briefing
• Report on Council budget process by Tony Goodman, Chief of Staff, Councilmember Grosso
• Report on DDOT budget process by Paul Revez of DDOT Resource Allocation Division
• Questions from PAC members
• Questions from the public

5. DDOT report

6. Discussion and possible vote of PAC position and testimony at Transportation & the Environment Committee Jan. 31 roundtable on autonomous vehicles

7. Election of PAC officers

8. PAC business
• Treasurer’s report
• Update on PAC members attendance 
• Annual performance oversight hearing 2/25/19

9. Approval of December minutes

10. Adjournment


PAC meetings are open to the public. ID is required to enter the building. Once through security, take elevators on the right-hand side to the 11th floor.