D.C. Pedestrian Advisory Council Meeting
Monday, December 17, 2018
6:30 p.m.
441 4th St NW, Room 1117
1. Introductions
2. Public comment
3. MPD report
4. DDOT report
5. Discussion of District budget process and opportunities for PAC input
6. Discussion of developing standard PAC calendar of annual agenda items
7. Report on Major Crash Review Task Force
8. Follow-up discussion of PAC relationship with the Department of Parks and Recreation, D.C. Public Schools, and Mayor’s office
9. PAC business
• Treasurer’s report
• Update on PAC members’ attendance
• Upcoming events/documents of PAC interest
10. Approval of October and November minutes
11. Adjournment
PAC meetings are open to the public. ID is required to enter the building. Once through security, take elevators on the right-hand side to the 11th floor.