D.C.'s Official Pedestrian Advisory Body

Appointed by the D.C. Council to advise the Mayor, the D.C. Council, DDOT and other agencies.

Next Meeting: September 9th, 2024

Hear from city officials, help us develop policy recommendations, and learn about our work to upgrade the city's streetscape.

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Safe Streets are Everyone's Responsibility

Step up! Learn more about your rights and responsbilities here.

Need Sidewalk Repair?

DDOT aims to resolve sidewalk repair requests within 25 business days. Contact them here.

PAC December 2017 Meeting

The December PAC meeting is coming up on Monday. Here is the agenda.

D.C. Pedestrian Advisory Council Meeting
Monday, Dec. 18, 2017
6:30 p.m.
441 4th St NW, Room 1117


1. Introductions

2. Public comment

3. Report on Major Crash Review Task Force

4. Discussion of traffic calming policy

5. Discussion of autonomous vehicle policy

6. DDOT report

7. MPD report

8. PAC business
 New member
 Next meeting: Jan. 22

9. Approval of Nov. 20 minutes

10. Adjournment


PAC meetings are open to the public. ID is required to enter the building. Once through security, take elevators on the right-hand side to the 11th floor.

PAC November 2017 Meeting

The November PAC meeting is coming up on Monday. Here is the agenda.

D.C. Pedestrian Advisory Council Meeting
Monday, Nov. 20, 2017
6:30 p.m.
441 4th St NW, Room 1117


1. Introductions

2. Public comment

3. Report on Sustainable DC transportation working group

4. Report on Capital Trails Symposium

5. DDOT report

6. MPD report

7. Discussion of strategic policy priorities. Develop plan to study traffic calming and autonomous vehicles.

8. PAC business
 New Ward 6 member
 2018 meeting dates
 Treasurer’s report
 Next meeting: Dec. 18

9. Approval of Oct. 23 minutes

10. Next meeting (Dec. 18) and future meeting topics
• Continued discussion of NPS policies
• Continued discussion of valet parking
• Continued discussion of automated enforcement
• Sidewalk repair tracking and sidewalk materials
• Attorney General's Office restorative justice program
• For-Hire Vehicle Commission report on pedestrian safety initiatives
• DMV public education about drowsy driving
• Office of Planning report on pedestrian facilities at small parks

11. Adjournment


PAC meetings are open to the public. ID is required to enter the building. Once through security, take elevators on the right-hand side to the 11th floor.

PAC October 2017 Meeting

The October PAC meeting is coming up on Monday. Here is the agenda.

D.C. Pedestrian Advisory Council Meeting
Monday, Oct. 23, 2017
6:30 p.m.
441 4th St NW, Room 1117


1. Introductions

2. Public comment

3. Discussion and possible vote to submit official comment on 2017-18 snow removal operations plan

4. DDOT report

5. MPD report

6. Discussion of strategic policy priorities. Continued review of list of potential priority issues.

7. PAC business
 Treasurer’s report
 Next meeting: Nov. 20

8. Approval of Sept. 25 minutes

9. Next meeting (Nov. 20) and future meeting topics
• Continued discussion of NPS policies
• Continued discussion of valet parking
• Personal delivery devices (sidewalk drones)
• Autonomous vehicles (self-driving cars)
• Continued discussion of automated enforcement
• Sidewalk repair tracking and sidewalk materials
• Attorney General's Office restorative justice program
• For-Hire Vehicle Commission report on pedestrian safety initiatives
• DMV public education about drowsy driving
• Office of Planning report on pedestrian facilities at small parks

10. Adjournment


PAC meetings are open to the public. ID is required to enter the building. Once through security, take elevators on the right-hand side to the 11th floor.

PAC September 2017 Meeting

The September PAC meeting is coming up on Monday. Here is the agenda.

D.C. Pedestrian Advisory Council Meeting
Monday, Sept. 25, 2017
6:30 p.m.
441 4th St NW, Room 1117


1. Introductions

2. Public comments

3. Discussion of strategic policy priorities. Review list of policy issues. Form workgroups to conduct research and draft policy recommendations.

4. DDOT report

5. MPD report

6. Legislative update

7. PAC business
 New member (CM Silverman seat)
 Discussion and possible vote to change upcoming meeting dates to Nov. 20 and Dec. 18 to reduce holiday conflicts
 Treasurer’s report
 Next meeting: Oct. 23

8. Approval of July 24 minutes

9. Next meeting (Oct. 23) and future meeting topics
• Continued discussion of NPS policies
• Continued discussion of valet parking
• Personal delivery devices (sidewalk drones)
• Autonomous vehicles (self-driving cars)
• Continued discussion of automated enforcement
• Sidewalk repair tracking and sidewalk materials
• Attorney General's Office restorative justice program
• For-Hire Vehicle Commission report on pedestrian safety initiatives
• DMV public education about drowsy driving
• Office of Planning report on pedestrian facilities at small parks

10. Adjournment


PAC meetings are open to the public. ID is required to enter the building. Once through security, take elevators on the right-hand side to the 11th floor.

PAC July 2017 Meeting

The July PAC meeting is coming up on Monday. Here is the agenda.

D.C. Pedestrian Advisory Council Meeting
Monday, July 24, 2017
6:30 p.m.
441 4th St NW, Room 1117


1. Introductions

2. Public comments

3. Discussion of strategic policy priorities: Select one or two policy issues to study for several months. Form workgroups to conduct research and draft policy recommendations.

4. DDOT report

5. MPD report

6. Legislative update

7. PAC business
 Discussion of regular meeting day and possible change to reduce scheduling conflicts
 Ward 6 vacancy
 Treasurer’s report

 Next meeting: August 28

8. Approval of May 22 and June 26 minutes

9. Next meeting (August 28) and future meeting topics
• Continued discussion of NPS policies
• Continued discussion of valet parking
• Personal delivery devices (sidewalk drones)
• Autonomous vehicles (self-driving cars)
• Continued discussion of automated enforcement
• Sidewalk repair tracking and sidewalk materials
• Attorney General's Office restorative justice program
• For-Hire Vehicle Commission report on pedestrian safety initiatives
• DMV public education about drowsy driving
• Office of Planning report on pedestrian facilities at small parks

10. Adjournment


PAC meetings are open to the public. ID is required to enter the building. Once through security, take elevators on the right-hand side to the 11th floor.

PAC June 2017 Meeting

D.C. Pedestrian Advisory Council Meeting
Monday, June 26, 2017, 6:30 p.m.
441 4th St NW, Room 1117


1. Introductions

2. Discussion with DDOT Deputy Director Jeff Marootian
• Questions from PAC appointees
• Public comment

3. DDOT staff report

4. MPD report

5. Discussion and possible official comment on legislation before the Transportation and the Environment Committee (B22-67, B22-70, B22-118, B22-122, B22-267, B22-278, PR22-73, B22-013, B22-019, B22-096, B22-0125)

6. Public comment

7. Approval of May 22 minutes

8. Next meeting (July 24) and future meeting topics:
• Continued discussion of NPS policies
• Continued discussion of valet parking
• Personal delivery devices (sidewalk drones)
• Autonomous vehicles (self-driving cars)
• Continued discussion of automated enforcement
• Sidewalk repair tracking and sidewalk materials
• Attorney General’s Office restorative justice program
• For-Hire Vehicle Commission report on pedestrian safety initiatives
• DMV public education about drowsy driving
• Office of Planning report on pedestrian facilities at small parks

9. Adjournment


PAC meetings are open to the public. ID is required to enter the building. Once through security, take elevators on the right-hand side to the 11th floor.

PAC May 2017 Meeting

The May PAC meeting is coming up on Monday. Here is the agenda.

D.C. Pedestrian Advisory Council Meeting
Monday, May 22, 2017
6:30 p.m.
441 4th St NW, Room 1117


1. Introductions

2. Public comments

3. Ward 8 update – Keisha Mims, Mayor's Office of Community Relations and Services

4. Vision Zero update
• Major Crash Review Task Force
• NYC Vision Zero conference

5. Pedestrian signal timing

6. Road Safety Injury Prevention conference

7. MPD report

8. DDOT report

9. Discussion and vote on Comprehensive Plan amendments

10. Approval of April 24 minutes

11. Next meeting (June 26) and future meeting topics
• Continued discussion of NPS policies
• Continued discussion of valet parking
• Personal delivery devices (sidewalk drones)
• Autonomous vehicles (self-driving cars)
• Continued discussion of automated enforcement
• Sidewalk repair tracking and sidewalk materials
• Attorney General's Office restorative justice program
• For-Hire Vehicle Commission report on pedestrian safety initiatives
• DMV public education about drowsy driving
• Office of Planning report on pedestrian facilities at small parks

12. Adjournment


PAC meetings are open to the public. ID is required to enter the building. Once through security, take elevators on the right-hand side to the 11th floor.

PAC April 2017 Meeting

The April PAC meeting is coming up on Monday. Here is the agenda.

D.C. Pedestrian Advisory Council Meeting
Monday, April 24, 2017
6:30 p.m.
441 4th St NW, Room 1117


1. Introductions

2. Public comments

3. Crosstown Multimodal Study report

4. Discussion: Vision Zero Summit and DDOT one-year progress report

6. Comprehensive Plan Ad-hoc Committee report

7. Valet parking Ad-hoc Committee report

8. MPD report

9. DDOT report

10. PAC business
• DDOT Major Crash Review Task Force
• Treasurer's report
• Next meeting: May 22

11. Approval of March 27 minutes

12. Future meeting topics
 Continued discussion of Comprehensive Plan amendments
 Continued discussion of valet parking
 Personal delivery devices (sidewalk drones)
 Autonomous vehicles (self-driving cars)
 Continued discussion of NPS policies
• Continued discussion of automated enforcement
• Sidewalk repair tracking and sidewalk materials


PAC meetings are open to the public. ID is required to enter the building. Once through security, take elevators on the right-hand side to the 11th floor.

PAC March 2017 Meeting

The March PAC meeting is coming up on Monday. Here is the agenda.

D.C. Pedestrian Advisory Council Meeting
Monday, March 27, 2017
6:30 p.m.
441 4th St NW, Room 1117


1. Introductions

2. Public comments

3. Crosstown Multimodal Study report

4. Vision Zero update

5. Personal delivery devices update

6. Discussion: Transportation Benefits Equity Amendment Act of 2017 (B22-0175)

7. Comprehensive Plan Ad-hoc Committee report

8. MPD report

9. DDOT report

10. PAC business
• Vision Zero Summit March 31
• Treasurer's report
• Next meeting: April 23

11. Approval of February 27 minutes

12. Next meeting date and topics
• Continued discussion of Vision Zero
• Continued discussion of NPS policies
• Continued discussion of valet parking
• Continued discussion of automated enforcement
• Sidewalk repair tracking and sidewalk materials


PAC meetings are open to the public. ID is required to enter the building. Once through security, take elevators on the right-hand side to the 11th floor.

PAC February 2017 Meeting

The February PAC meeting is coming up on Monday. Here is the agenda.

D.C. Pedestrian Advisory Council Meeting
Monday, February 27, 2017
6:30 p.m.
441 4th St NW, Room 1117


1. Introductions (5 min.)

2. Public comments (5 min.)

3. Discussion: National Park Service report (30 min.)

4. Vision Zero rulemaking and official PAC comment (20 min.)

5. Comprehensive Plan Ad-hoc Committee report (10 min.)

6. Valet Parking Ad-hoc Committee report (10 min.)

7. MPD report (10 min.)

8. DDOT report (10 min.)

9. PAC business (10 min.)
• Discussion of March 31 Vision Zero Summit and possible motion to fund PAC members’ attendance
• Oversight hearing March 13: Select PAC representative to testify
• Treasurer’s report
• Next meeting: March 27

10. Approval of January 23 minutes (5 min.)

11. Next meeting date (March 27) and topics (5 min.) 
·          Vision Zero one-year progress report
·          Crosstown Multimodal Study
·          Continued discussion of valet parking
·          Continued discussion of automated enforcement
·          Sidewalk repair tracking and sidewalk materials


PAC meetings are open to the public. ID is required to enter the building. Once through security, take elevators on the right-hand side to the 11th floor.

PAC January 2017 Meeting

The January PAC meeting is coming up on Monday. Here is the agenda.

D.C. Pedestrian Advisory Council Meeting
Monday, January 23, 2017
6:30 p.m.
441 4th St NW, Room 1117


1. Introductions (5 minutes)

2. Public comments (5 minutes)

3. Vision Zero report: Update from Jonathan Rogers, DDOT (30 minutes)

4. Office of Planning report: Opportunity for PAC input during Comprehensive Plan amendment open call (20 minutes) 

5. Update from Del. Holmes-Norton’s office (10 minutes)

6. MPD report (10 minutes)

7. DDOT report (10 minutes)

8. PAC business (15 minutes)
• Election of PAC officers
• Treasurer’s report
• Next meeting: February 27

9. Approval of December 19 minutes (5 minutes)

10. Next meeting date (February 27) and topics (10 minutes) 
• Valet parking
• Crosstown Multimodal Study
• Continued discussion of automated enforcement
• Sidewalk repair tracking and sidewalk materials


PAC meetings are open to the public. ID is required to enter the building. Once through security, take elevators on the right-hand side to the 11th floor.